helphelp HELP


This has been troubling me for forever =(<br />
I try to use transparency for iframes and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help me or tell me how? I've tried the opacity filter a million times over and it just seems not to be working. I have to do the cut and paste thing the hard way, and put the image in the iframe and match it up. It's hard...:( :( :( <br />
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someone please reply quick because I'm very frustrated!<br />
any help would be appreciated =)<!--content-->Hi belldandy <br />
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welcome to htmlforums.<br />
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Well the js is at top of your page!!!!!!<br />
<br />
<script src="fade.js" language="Javascript"></script><br />
<br />
<BODY background="tailend.jpg" bgproperties="fixed"><br />
<!-- Beginning of Angelfire Ad Code Insertion --><br />
<br />
</noscript><br />
<script language="JavaScript"><br />
=======<br />
And your index has no html and body tags..<br />
and the style is at the bottom of this page.<br />
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:rocker: :rocker:<!--content-->I know but that wasn't what I was wondering about...:o <br />
I was wondering how to make transparent iframes and/or textareas. ???<!--content-->you can't make an iframe transparent. you have to do it to the page.html you are calling into the iframe... i've never tried applying the filter to BODY in css, but if that doesn't work, you'll have to filter every element individually.<br />
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also, keep in mind that this whole thing will really screw up in Netscape, especially older (pre-6.0) versions.<!--content-->okay I got it...I finally got it. I guess I'll just have to put up a splash page with a warning<!--content-->