
Right to it:<br />
On my tools page (charts actually) I have two charts. They are really wide and squash the right and left sides. Could some simple coding make them a bit narrower, or would they need to be redone?<br />
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Thanks in advance!!<!--content-->hey, I looked at the page, and it looks fine to me. What did you mean?<!--content-->Thanks for looking at it, Dr. Web. You see, I have a 15" monitor and when I have the screen maximized, the left and right sides are really squashed. They're only about one inch wide and the charts look too wide for the page...?<!--content-->This seems to only be a problem in 800x600 or lower resolution. Your tables (charts), your left nav bar and right bar containing adverts, links etc just don't fit on the page. Something has got to go. !! either you will have to alter your chart size, OR take off your right column so your chart has more room, OR open your charts in a new smaller popup window.<br />
Whatcha gonna do? :D don't ya hate making choices, its a lot simplier when there is only one answer :)<!--content-->No kidding it would be simpler if there was only one answer Especially someone like me who doesn't know how to do this stuff yet. What I would like to try, is making those charts more narrow, What I don't know, is if that is possible and if so, how? Is there some simple code I can put it to do this or is this going to be some complicated process??<!--content-->OK, now I see the deal. Listen, you already have a link to a printable version-right? Why don't you just make that version the FULL version, and show a condensed version on your page? The link could say.....view the full version. Also, I noticed you have said..."printable." Maybe you can add a print function to the pop-up to make it user friendly. All you need to do for this that add this line......<br />
<a href="javascript:window.print();">Print This Form</a><br />
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and the user can print the window contents just that easy.<!--content-->That's a super idea, Dr. Web! But, but do I make it smaller??? I'm so sorry...but I don't have a clue how to do that. Someone else set this all up for me last year. Also, that java code, is that just what I would need? I don't know java at all yet, am still way back on simple tables. Where would that code go? <br />
Gosh, I feel<!--content-->you insert that one line of JavaScript and it will print screen contents. How to make the thing smaller....I would suggest getting rid of the extreme underweight/ obese data. If its a pic, trim it down. If its data, delete some cols.<!--content-->"If its data, delete some cols."<br />
Ah - I think it's data. There is a seperate file for each chart and they look like Greek to me. Yesterday I did some updating and on that page with the charts I got the message "no memory left" - first time I saw that but then I realized (after stupidly checking my computer memory which should have tons of space and does, and checking virtual member 'DUH') I realized the notepad was full. So, I can tell you the two charts are in my file folder as text documents. Would that make it easier and if I delete cols, do you mean literally remove some of the data?<br />
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Sorry I'm so dense about this. Of course, I wouldn't be in here if I wasn't, would I!<!--content-->Jeni, I had a look at you problem. In 1024x748 res your page looks fine, but in 800x600 your charts push into your left nav. There are a couple ways you can correct this.<br />
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1. You can get rid of the right menu and give the charts more room.<br />
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2. You can (as Dr. Web said) cut out colums that are not absolutly necessary.<br />
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3. You can put the charts in a pop-up window that is linked from your site.<br />
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4. You can put the charts on a blank page.<br />
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You cannot however resize the charts becuase of the number of cells you have. I suggest you choose from one of the choices I have listed above.<br />
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I hope your problem turns out good!<br />
-Ryan Russell<!--content-->Me, too! Thanks Russell. I'll see what I can do. I haven't done anything with Java yet although that sounds the best, so maybe I'll put the code into a new page and play with it to see about decreasing the size, at least for the time being.<br />
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Thanks heaps, guys! You gave me some direction, means a lot.<!--content-->