
I know this is probably really basic but..I am just starting to set up a website and am using Frontpage Express to design my webpages.When I upload a page that consists of just text and a background everything is fine but if I include images on the webpage then when I try and access the homepage it requires my account password.My host says it is the HTML source code that is prompting the password request but I can't see anything in the code that would prompt a password request...Why is it happening?<!--content-->Burn F*ckPage. Get I text editor or use Notepad. There is no end to the evil of that software. :mad: <br />
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This is in fact a friendly advice in case that isn't clear. I get this way whenever I here IT's name. :D<!--content-->I thankfully don't use FrontPage, so I don't have an answer. Could you at least provide a link to your site so the rest of us could take a look at your code?<!--content-->Yeah, I was thinking that JEM maybe pushed the wrong button and FP added one of it's web bot thingies or a .htaccess or something. :(<br />
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Check in your local folder if you have anything named .htaccess or other files with odd extension.<!--content-->