

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Evertime I do a image map for the links, that white space appears...anyone know why?<!--content-->The code is OK.<br />
Only the IMG has to be the last thing in the td tag.<br />
<TR><br />
<TD width=600 colSpan=2 border="0"><br />
<MAP name=layout_1x1><br />
<AREA shape=RECT <br />
target=page alt=Biography coords=115,60,273,81 <br />
href=""></MAP><br />
<IMG height=90 <br />
src="immap-layout2_bestanden/layout_1x1.jpg" useMap=#layout_1x1 <br />
border=0 name=layout_1x10></TD></TR><br />
-------<br />
1 MAP<br />
2 AREA<br />
3 IMG<!--content-->But now there is one more problem...there is a part of the image at the bottom and I don't know how it got there, and how to get rid of it.<!--content-->What was wrong?<br />
The image is divided in three parts.<br />
In the IFRAME TD it is used as background, that's why it was not OK.<br />
The 3 images are now used as background.<br />
But........ then you cannot use the IMMAP.<br />
Therefore you have to use a blankgif, just make the height and width smaller as the background, and it is OK.<br />
<br />
<!-- Begin Table --><br />
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 align=center border=0 <br />
valign="middle"><br />
<TBODY><br />
<TR><br />
<TD width=600 colSpan=2 border="0" background=immap-layout2_bestanden/layout_1x1.jpg> <br />
<MAP name=layout_1x1><br />
<AREA shape=RECT target=page alt=Biography coords=115,60,273,81 href=""><br />
</MAP><br />
<IMG height=85 width= 550 src="immap-layout2_bestanden/blank.gif" useMap=#layout_1x1 border=0 name=layout_1x10><br />
</TD></TR><br />
<TR><br />
<TD width=178 height=260 background=immap-layout2_bestanden/layout_2x1.jpg><br />
<MAP name=layout_2x1><br />
<AREA shape=RECT alt=Stats coords=99,2,176,19 href=""><br />
<AREA shape=RECT alt=Titles coords=88,25,170,43 href=""><br />
<AREA shape=RECT alt=media coords=72,44,161,72 href=""><br />
<AREA shape=RECT alt=Forum coords=60,69,156,91 href="immap-layout2_bestanden/blank.htm"><br />
<AREA shape=RECT target=page alt=Misc. coords=49,97,123,120 href=""><br />
</MAP><br />
<IMG height=240 src="immap-layout2_bestanden/blank.gif" width=170 useMap=#layout_2x1 border=0 name=layout_2x10> <br />
</TD><br />
<TD vAlign=middle width=422 background=immap-layout2_bestanden/layout_2x2.jpg height=260 ><br />
<IFRAME border=2 name=page marginWidth=0 frameSpacing=0 marginHeight=0 src="immap-layout2_bestanden/blank.htm" frameBorder=1 noResize width=360 scrolling=yes height=187 bordercolor="#000000"><br />
</IFRAME></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End Table --><br />
-------<br />
At the bottom of this page you can pick a blank.gif if needed.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
--------<!--content-->Thanx man, now it's perfect.<!--content-->You'r welcome.<!--content-->