

I have a quesion about making a forum! Is it possible to make a forum from scratch? in html? in php? is there a program that will make one for you?Thanks!<!--content-->It cannot be done in html. You will need a server side language. You can use ASP ASP.NET PHP JSP CGI. You will also need a data base, for a unix server I would suggest mysql, for a windows server I suggest mssql server or msde. If you are on a windows server you should go with asp or and if you are on unix go with php. you can make your forum from scratch. I made mine from scratch (I am still making it, I am still adding to it and redoing it but it is an ongoing project). I used (aspx) to make mine <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="">http://knights.europe.webmatrixhosting. ... orums.aspx</a><!-- m --><!--content-->WOW!!! awesome forum! Definitly because the fact it was made from scratch! Where can i find the UNIX server? or the windows one? Which one would be cheaper? Also would i need some type of software to make the forum? LOL, i know this is alot of questions, but it will defintly help me out. One last one, how would i host the forum?<!--content-->Well to run or even asp you will want to be hosted on a windows nt server, that means you can be on windows 2000 servers, windows 2003 servers, windows xp64 bit, windows nt, and windows xp or 2000 regular. If you are looking for cost unix will be cheaper, apache is actually free. But you can get hosting for free under trial hosting licences for just about any technology without ads. I am using trial hosting now but I get all the features I would if I had paid for it, no ads no bandwidth caps etc. (big evil microsoft must actually cares about the little guy, some people on the forum would like to denigh it but its true).<!--content-->so is apache a server software? A have a server but, it has no software on it. So where can i find apache?<!--content-->do a google search. Apache is for php.<!--content-->so would it work on a server? What software do you recomend for a web server?(cheap software). Also im not very familer with php, is it hard to learn?<!--content-->I do not use php, I use, these would be things to talk to pyro about.<!--content-->I can now say I have Apache 2 and PHP 4 running on my Win2K laptop. MySQL will be added shortly, and making a XHTML/CSS/Apache/PHP/MySQL forum is on the list of things to do, but it certainly isn't high on it. ;) Still, that's what I will be using for mine.<br />
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Apache/PHP/MySQL are all free. PHP isn't that bad to learn, but getting it installed was a bit of a pain.<!--content-->is free? does it host your stuff free?<!--content-->whats MySQL?<!--content-->whats MySQL?<!--content--> is a language. To host it yourself you are going to need an nt server. You can host it off of windows 2000 or xp like I said before because they are nt. mysql is a type of data base. The equivilent is mssql server. uses c# and vb and it object oriented.<!--content-->