

I have no idea what i am doing. i have no idea how to use html. im lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1<!--content-->tell us your problem, and we'll help you in whatever way you can. that's what we're here for right?<!--content-->do a Google search for "HTML tutorials" and you'll find a vast treasury of great info out there.<!--content-->haha yeah thats right but i dont think that theres enough time in the world to explain the problems im having<!--content-->Originally posted by freelancer1 <br />
haha yeah thats right but i dont think that theres enough time in the world to explain the problems im having believe it or not, there's even LESS time to devote to developing the technology that would allow us to read your mind.<br />
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are you working on a page right now? if so, give us a URL or post (or attach) the code and we'll tell you what might be wrong. and use <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->then tell me why I should keep this thread here? you haven't even asked a question yet. unles you do so I will move it to the spam box.<br />
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no time? you wasted 21 minutes just telling us you are lost. :P<!--content-->To Quote Kevin's post...<br />
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Do not post questions as "Urgent" or "Need a reply ASAP" or "HELP!!!". Its rude, obnoxious, and may delay a response to your question. Questions will be answered by whoever wishes to post a reply and whenever they wish to. Please do not abuse the forum or its members. <br />
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There just did... lol :D <br />
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And dude you really need to be more specific, i thought i had some hard problems but once i told them exactly what was wrong it was a breeze for them to figure out. And trust me if you know absolutly nothing about HTML then your problem might not be as serious as you once thought. Just tell um whats wrong and they will find out in a jiffy. Maybe i can even be of some help. I have picked up a pretty good deal of HTML knowledge from this forum and i hope one day you will too but if far away from bein a "Guru". lol :P <br />
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believe it or not, there's even LESS time to devote to developing the technology that would allow us to read your mind. <br />
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Yea transmothra when are they spoosed to come out with those lol good 1 :rofl:<!--content-->aight m8, i have a few good sites with tutorials on if they will come as any use to you:<br />
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pretty much anything with HTML in the name should come up with some form of information on HTML lol.<br />
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good luck, Joe<!--content-->this is my site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... hp?act=idx</a><!-- m -->) and i want to add something like this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). Also, i know that this is really off topic SORRY, but does anyone know where to find free web hoster?????????<!--content-->uhh sorry to say but your site is a forum and will never look like the site you want it to.<br />
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better start reading tutorials becasue that will take awhile.<!--content-->short answer: ya can't do it. you want to add a CMS (Content Management System) to a message board. that's like adding a Buick to a station wagon.<br />
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look for a Buick station wagon instead.<br />
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do a Google search for "free PHP MySQL webhosting" (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 8&oe=utf-8</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->actually you can but it wouldn't be worth it. you can install phpnuke but that program is huge and a pain in the arse.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
actually you can but it wouldn't be worth it. you can install phpnuke but that program is huge and a pain in the arse. exactly. that would be the long answer. it's totally not worth doing that. just get a CMS instead, they usually come with some kind of message board built in. beware of security holes in Nuke systems, though.<!--content-->thanks you helped with nothing!!! man if i wanted ****ing dumbass answers like that then i would talk to my dog.<!--content-->well a dumbass question gets a dumbass answer.<br />
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but that was very uncalled for. you wanted an answer and we gave you one.<br />
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you don't understand html then what makes you think you can understand php or any other serverside language?<!--content-->ok all you had to say was that i have a forum and i cant add something like that. thats all but instead you felt the need to say all that other dumbass **** about buicks and crap. so actually its wasn't uncalled for, what you guys were saying was uncalled for. all i need was one post saying that i couldnt do something like that and thats it! instead i got like 5 posts telling me the same thing!! so think next time think before you say it was uncalled for!!!!!<!--content-->Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick!!<!--content-->LOL<br />
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Hey! We're not happy 'til you're not happy!<br />
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:rofl: :rofl: :sniper:<!--content-->Originally posted by freelancer1 <br />
...cant add something like that...buicks and crap...wasn't uncalled for...was uncalled for...i couldnt do something like that...think next time think...uncalled for!!!!! <br />
(edited for clarity)ANYWAY, not to be a dumbass or anything, although obviously i can't much help that, but the actual answer was that it is POSSIBLE, but it would require supreme effort, skill, patience, time, and resources to do.<br />
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also, i'd like to point out <br />
Buick! Buick! Buick!!<!--content-->First off i think that you (freelancer1) are being just a <br />
TAD bit immature. Not to point the fingers at dumasses *cough* *cough*. But weren't you the one that posted HELP!!!! I have no idea what i am doing. i have no idea how to use html. im lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a pretty dumb question, in my opinion and after the fact when everyone gives you an honest upfront answer you get all pissy and call all their answers "Dumbass answers". I think thats a little rude too. And dude to set up the kind of site you want takes quite a lot of work with both php and css. Im pretty god at both and it took me 3 days to set up my forums at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> but if you know nothing of HTML then i suspect that you know very little or nothing at all about php and css. So sorry man this is just out of your league for now... Stick around get some pointers and maybe someday you can acomplish your goal but i think for now this ones out of reach... <br />
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-Adie :P<!--content--><!--content-->ok guys, that be enough. point was made .<!--content-->i want one trans<!--content-->