Help Working Out a Little Code


I have a popular travel site that incorporates an itinerary making process. The itinerary section works fine however I would like it to operate more like a bookmarking page. The only little glitch is that the system requires a valid price to be calculated before it will add the item to the itinerary. Currently the itinerary is set up pretty much like a shopping cart, however it is never used it in that way and is virtually useless to us. There is little need to have valid prices transferred into the itinerary. If there is an item added with no price then i would want it added as "Price on Application".

I am new to HTML and ASP and have been doen several small tutorials to try to undertsnad the code. I feel like i'm getting close then it just doesn't work. I was wondering if someone out there might have a look at it for me?I think you will get more help if you could narrow down your problem here, by showing the code which you got problem with, rather than the entire code.