help with upload string


Thanks for looking at my posting here.
I am using an asp upload script.
Logged-in users Browse for the file they want to Upload and select the Upload button, and it is uploaded to the designated directory.

I'd like to change this file so that the logged-in users email address is added to the file name before it arrives at the designated directory, like this example:

myLifestory.txt is changed to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->~~myLifestory.txt
then it is sent to the designated directory.

Right now the string in question shows this:

streamFile.SaveToFile path & fileItem.FileName, 2

I changed it to this:

streamFile.SaveToFile path & streamEmailAddress & "~~" & fileItem.FileName, 2

but the file shows up like this now: ~~myLifestory.txt

So apparently I don't have the email address part correct.

Can you help me with suggestions? Thanks.looks to me like the variable called: streamEmailAddress isnt populated with anything, can you confirm that it has a value? Try replacing it with a testing value like:

streamEmailAddress = "[email protected]"
streamFile.SaveToFile path & streamEmailAddress & "~~" & fileItem.FileName, 2

Then see what happens
