Help with text boxes and tables!


Ok, here what I ultimately WANT to do. <br />
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I have designed this ticket order form with tables, what I want to do with it, is work with textboxes so WHILE BROWSING the website, people can fill their information out on the table and then print it out. So the end result would be the table with their information they filled out on the website.<br />
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HELP!!!:confused:<!--content-->I designed a ticket ordering process but I used cold fusion and saved the information to a database. Do you have access to a database and some sort of server side scripting. Also do you want to have two seperate windows (one with the surfable website and one the order form). <br />
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I would be will to help you out if you would like.<!--content-->Hey Zephka,<br />
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Just a warning. I am hoping that my DSL set up can by UPS today or I won't have internet all weekend. If I can't respond all weekend then that is the problem and I will talk to you on Monday.<br />
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Sorry about that but I still do want to help you.<!--content-->So if i get it right its this what u wanna do:<br />
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An online form with several fields and when the "submit" button is pressed they get a nice page (kinda like a receipt) which they can print?<br />
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Guess you'll have to just build a form and then parse it with PHP, get all the variables in the right place and line them out like you want the printed receipt to look like. Pretty straigtforward.<br />
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If u wanna make the ordering automatic with database etc... it's gonne be a bigger effort. <br />
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I'd check into some premade scripts, cuz if u don't know how to process a form it'd be a miracle you'll bring an "online ticketing service" to a good end.<br />
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Hope i didn't offend u too much with my post, i don't mean it offending, just advising you :)<!--content-->