Help with Tables and Forms - Using Netscape!


Hi,<br />
I'm having problem with my tables and forms. the look is perfect using IE5.5 but when i view it on Netscape it's all distorted especially the forms under "Contact Us". please someone tell me what i should do. <br />
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this site is still underproduction. but the 'trainers' and 'contact us' pages are somewhat done. also comment on the look of the site. thanks<br />
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this is the page where the form is located:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... /index.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Netscape tends to make the form elements bigger in size. I couldn't find a way to fix this.<br />
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The site looks GREAT!<!--content-->I'm not sure what you mean by distorted, but if the problem is that the input text boxes are not sizin the same in IE and Netscrap, this is the work around:<br />
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<INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="" SIZE="30" STYLE="font-family:monospace"> <br />
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NS defaults to monospaced for forms the STYLE will get picked up by IE<!--content-->This javascript might help: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ments.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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According to the blurb it: "...eliminates the frustration by dynamically up-sizing the form elements in Internet Explorer by a specified percent. Use Netscape sizes for your formfields and this script makes them the same size in IE."<br />
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