Help with small problem!!


Staff member
I have in my application more than web page and each page have specific topic, just like topics in forum here, (JavaScript, ASP.NET,......) what i want to is to view how many user viewing each topic in the main page.
Thank you very much helpWhy not use a simmilar concept as your previous thread:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... hp?t=83005</a><!-- m -->

Instead of user to time, add a topic to it aswellBecause i couldnt make it work :(Well, just make a table with a [user,topic,time]

the user,topic should be a prim key cause a user can look @ multiple topics.

Then when a user displays a topic, you write to that table.
When you want to get how many people are viewing a time, count how many topics are in the table and the time is less than 5 mins.

You will want to set some triggers to delete things otherwise your table will grow like the .....