Help! with scrollbars and navigation... PLEASE!


Hi, i'm trying to learn Dreamweaver/HTML at the moment. Can someone please tell me how to remove scrollbars, info bars and navigation from my website? If there is an easy way to do it in Dreamweaver, please tell me. If not, just the code will do.<br />
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Thanks..<br />
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Phil.<!--content-->I believe what you are refering to is a chromeless window. You need JavaScript to pop up a new window, and this script only works in IE5+, maybe NS6, i really don't remember.<br />
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I do not know the code, but I have seen this question answered recently in the forum here...<!--content-->cha-ching:<br />
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builder.cnet (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... -7123518-1</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Thanks!<!--content-->