Help with ranking.


New Member
I have read up on this, but I still have a few question. I used the free google sitemap builder from Audit My PC and got about 15 errors. I then corrected all of them, and it no longer finds any. However on the Google Sitemaps crawl, it finds one 404 error. It is a simple solution of being case sensitive, but I can not find it anywhere!I thought maybe Google had indexed a page with that error that I had corrected, but it has been a few days and I can not find it still, and I even re submitted it to google.Also the website has zero backlinks on google. How do I go about getting them? Would I have to contact other websites to ask them to put a link up etc? I am in the process of getting the OK from the company to add Outlinks to their website.Thanks in advance. I'm somewhat of a beginner here so take it easy on me.Ok, so essentially what I need is a tool scan all the documents on the server to find out where the mistakes are. Similar to a Find and Replace tool, but that looks at all the pages at the same time rather than opening each page one at a time.