help with namespace prefix error


New Member

I have an xml (vml) sheet that starts as shown below

Browser shows the graphics perfectly, but when I try (in C++) to open the XML, I get an error as follows:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Xml.XmlException' occurred in System.Xml.dll

Additional information: 'v' is an undeclared namespace. Line 7, position 34."

Any ideas what I need to do to repair this problem?
I suspect I have an issue with this line <xml:namespace prefix="v"/>

Thanks for your help


Code in C++
XmlDocument ^ doc = gcnew XmlDocument();

<xml:namespace prefix="v"/>
v\:* {behavior=url(#default#VML)}
<div style='position:absolute;'><v:group style='antialias:false;height:650pt;width:450pt;left:0pt;top:0pt' coordsize="40000,40000" coordorigin="165000,115000">
<v:stroke on="false" />
<v:fill on="false" />
<div style='font-family:"Arial";font-size:8pt;text-align:right;' >
<v:polyline style='position:relative;' fillcolor="rgb(214,255,255)" strokecolor="rgb(214,255,255)" points ="
165000 146000
165000 90000
226000 90000
226000 146000

<v:polyline style='position:absolute;' fillcolor="rgb(214,255,128)" strokecolor="rgb(118,174,0)" points =" 207324.1 122129.64
207914.76 121518.06
207790.14 120627.2
208164.31 120333.65
209156.34 120005.6
209723.49 119988.75
