Help with multiple selections


i have used hide/show layer functions in a multiple selection form using radio and check boxes - see it here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ayers.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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i will try and explain what my problem is:<br />
there are 4 main categories and each of these have options based upon the main selection. I don't want the visitor to be able to select options from all 4 main categories, however, he must be able to click on any of the options and in doing so it should "deselect" any other options he might have clicked on.<br />
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i am using onClick="document.forms.formName.OptionName.checked=false"<br />
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example: (use URL shown above)<br />
If he selects "Bed only" from the "Self Catering Rooms" option, and then decides, no, he wants to stay in the "Budget Room" with "Dinner, Bed and Breakfast, then his previous selection for "Bed only" from the "Self Catering Rooms" must be "un-clicked" - incidentally this option works, only because the "names" for the radio button and checkboxes are different.<br />
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This does not apply to the other two options "Budget Rooms" and "Back Packer Rooms" as they have 3 radio buttons with the same "name" as you can only choose one<br />
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How do i get around this ?<!--content-->Hi!<br />
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The easiest way for you would be, to set up an own form for each category. If you implement a resets for a form already populated, when the user selects a different category (and form), everything in the forms other than the one selected at present will be unchecked...<br />
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Cheers - Pit<!--content-->