help with MS Word created webpages.

Greetings,<br />
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I am attempting to create a web page and have run into a problem.<br />
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I link to pages created in MS Word (using tables, not html written). The contents on these MS Word created pages are misaligned depending on the users' browser.<br />
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I wish for the pages to maintain their format so that the user scrolls left/right with the scroll bar in the right frame.<br />
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See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and click on "Solving Rational Equations" (near the bottom on the left) to see what I currently have. You will notice that the words on the right of my equations wrap around more as you scroll to the bottom of the page.<br />
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Thanks for your help in solving this problem.<!--content-->If you have access to Perl, you might want to check out the demoroniser (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). Alternately, I've heard of (but not used) Microsoft's HTML Filter (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!--more-->s/details.aspx?FamilyID=209ADBEE-3FBD-482C-83B0-96FB79B74DED&displaylang=EN). If neither of those work, get yourself a web page editor for editing webpages, not a schizophrenic word processor.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->You might try saving the pages in question as .txt or .rtf files. Then copy & paste into new .htm files. I agree with AdamGundry. Lose Word as a web page creation tool.<!--content-->Update your Word with this:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!--more-->s/details.aspx?FamilyID=209ADBEE-3FBD-482C-83B0-96FB79B74DED&displaylang=EN<!--content-->Originally posted by Aronya1 <br />
Lose Word as a web page creation tool. <br />
i agrees. i almost used yahoo! pagebuilder once, but i was too lazy to do anything. thank god. my speech teacher set up a creative writing "website" with msword. i looked at the source code in notepad and almost cried.<br />
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it was horribly jangled up and whatnot. if someone like me with a good amount of html knowledge but nothing compared to the Gods of this forum had tried to play with that code, i probably would have crashed the site and ended up switching my long-distance provider to AT&T.<br />
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wordpad is much more user-friendly, as you can quick look at the code to find out what is going wrong and why. javascript is also very complicated with msword.<br />
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i HIGHLY recommend that you learn html on your own and scrap msword. you will thank me later.<!--content-->But MS Word is the only software that easily allows for fractions and other "mathematicals". So I want to stay with that.<br />
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All I need to know is how do I get the page to left/right scroll and not "squish/squash" the tables when the browsers bring it up.<!--content-->Originally posted by crh3675 <br />
Update your Word with this:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!--more-->s/details.aspx?FamilyID=209ADBEE-3FBD-482C-83B0-96FB79B74DED&displaylang=EN <br />
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Look at this link. Use the Compact HTML save method to help alleviate your formatting problems.<!--content-->I know it's been said many times, but it neeeeeds to be stressed greatly. DO NOT USE M$ PRODUCTS WHEN CODING PAGES!!! These products (Word, Frontpage, Etc) will use M$ proprietary elements and effects that will not work in other browsers. I can almost guarantee this is why your alignments are off in other browsers. Also, tables are not meant to be used for layout, only tabular data (ie, a calender, class grade chart, etc). Instead, the use of the DIV element combinded with CSS (Cascasding Style Sheets) will better achieve the look/effect you want, and it will be symatically correct.<!--content-->Originally posted by PhillMc <br />
DO NOT USE M$ PRODUCTS WHEN CODING PAGES!!! These products (Word, Frontpage, Etc) will use M$ proprietary elements and effects that will not work in other browsers. <br />
when i took the webpage that my teacher made in m$word and opened it in IE, it didn't even work then. silly microsoft, webpages are for kids.<!--content-->ROFL!<br />
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</p>Let's not get into Frontpage</p><br />
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lol<!--content-->But MS Word is the only software that easily allows for fractions and other "mathematicals". So I want to stay with that.Why don't you edit your equations using Equation Editor (or whatever feature of Word you use, I presume that is it), then put them as images into HTML documents created with another program?<br />
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Of course, a standards purist would say you should use MathML (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Everone here seems to be saying "don't use MS Word or FrontPage". So, what's a novice web-designer to use? Something that not a million dollars too!<!--content-->If you want an automatic code generator that's free and writes good code, there isn't one. If you want an automatic code generator that writes good code, there aren't any of those either.<!--content-->mzdoodah, you will have to learn the actual code and do it in a text editor. It won't be easy, it will be time consuming, and when you finally figure it out you won't be a novice.<!--content-->So, what's a novice web-designer to use?Get HTML-kit and learn to do it right. It meets your price criterion, too.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->i have gotten alot of html editors as i know only a little about html, and have yahoo webhosting so can use their site builder. but i find that html kit and easy pad <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> are really good. as is a free one called arachnophilla, java based so you have to have the latest java to run it. ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) it is really cool. allows preview with an internal browser so you can instantly see changes made to your code.(i am cheap free= good. in this case, free = great) <br />
but using word to write html is absolutly pointless, if you don't want to use any of the others, then at least use notepad instead.<!--content-->