Help with menus


I was wondering if someone could let me know how to open up a new window once a link is clicked. The new window however that I want to be opened will require to have all menus etc removed or disabled. All the window should have is the minimise and close button as the window will open in its maximised form and should be unresizable.<br />
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I am very new to this and any assistance will be great.<!--content-->hey there... I see you're new here. welcome to the forum.<br />
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what you are looking for is a pop-up window i assume... add the bold stuff to your body tag<br />
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<body onload="'/mypage.htm', 'MyWindow', 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, width=315, height=200'); return false;"><br />
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and don't forget that the search is your friend... there's alot of good stuff in the archives... so you might wanna do a quick search before posting. ;)<!--content--><body onload.....> will make a window pop up once the page loads. If you want a link, use <br />
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<a href="page.ext" target="_blank">LINK TEXT</a><br />
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I'm sure from there you can fix the no resizing and stuff.<!--content-->I require a page to be loaded with the location=no and menubar=no and all that sort of stuff.<br />
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However I can't have it as a pop up as pop ups are disabled and there is no way to reinable them where I am<br />
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I just want the page to have nothing but the blue bar at the top and thats it.<br />
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can someone please help me.<!--content-->Originally posted by linksanime2003 <br />
I'm sure from there you can fix the no resizing and stuff. <br />
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yes you can... see my post<br />
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resizable=no<!--content-->why didn't u just continue with ur original thread!? :confused:<br />
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anyways... i don't think you can do that... i mean... u can open a new window with <a href="..." target="_blank"> and stuff but to have it with no menu? i don't think so...<br />
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i'm pretty sure the only way is with a pop-up... someone correct me if i'm wrong.<!--content-->fixed :D<br />
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jmcall10: the only way you can have those disabled is to make a popup, which you say is disabled. soooo you are out of luck, sorry.<!--content-->