Help with menu


I am making a website using microsoft frontpage. For each site I make in the site (About us, products, etc.) i have to copy and paste the navigation menu in each site. Is there a way to assign the menu to all the pages, so that if i need to change the menu in one place, it will change it in all the sites?<!--content-->There are literally hundreds of websites with tutorials on what's called "frames." Go search "frames" and read. It's somewhat more advanced (not much though) but FrontPage should make it easier for you.<br />
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Basically what happens is you make one page for the navigation, and the whole buncha pages for your other stuff (the main text). And then the most important file is made to display your navigation page on one side and display one of your main pages on the other side. And when you click on a link on the navigation page, it loads on the main page side.<br />
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it'll become clear if you read about frames. frames have been discussed a lot on this site, you can search even at htmlforums<!--content-->if frames are confusing, i learned how to do it using something like this:<br />
<script src="whatever.js"> and putting that in all your pages, then whenever you edit whatever.js, it will change on all the pages.<br />
for you purposes the only javascript you probably need to know is document.write("code here")<!--content-->