Help with making site valid HTML 4.01


I am trying to make a site I am working on valid HTML 4.01. I have been pretty successful however there are 3 errors that I can't see how to overcome. Any help would be much appreciated.<br />
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The validator report can be seen at:<br />
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Validator report (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->It seems that I can it valid by putting an object wrapper around the entire table. In IE this does not seem to effect the way the table works, but I will need to investigate it with Netscape, Mozilla, etc.<!--content-->yes it is valid now. html 4.01 strict really assumes you are using css for layout. It would be easier to validate your page as html 4.01 trainsition or strict though if you used a little css for all your width and heights. I could not view your source because you didnt give me a site link, but thats my two cetns anyway.<!--content-->