Help with links and PR


New Member
Hi all,

My site has had link building done for quite some time, I should have over 10,000 links from all usual places, blogs, forums, sb, sn, web2 etc but I am sure goolge is not seeing many of them and my pr is still low (0).

Can you see anything wrong? Note that pagerank has a mathematical formula and if i want to explain it easy, you should get backlinks from pages which has PR1+ to increase your pagerank. If you have millions of backlinks from PR0 pages, your pagerank is still 0 but you have millions of backlinks. Thanks for reply - I have quite a few high pr links, really dont know whats going wrong, unless I am expecting too much May be those links were build recently and Google have high pr for you internally but haven't got a chance to update the publically shown PR.

Or may be some of the links you build are abusive as seen by google and you are facing some penalty from google. Hi, 2dragonsltd

Right, Google would usually pick up fewer back links than other top engines like Yahoo or Bing. It might only pick up one back link if you have