help with linking.


New Member
hi.first, i'm very new to xml, so this question will proberbly appear ratherstupid.anyway. i'm making a dtd & xml for an xml that handle information aboutimages (filename, descrption, category) and one dtd & xml that handleinformation about persons (phonenumber, adress, name). now to my problem.inthe image description i would like to be able to link to a person in theperson xml. which is the best way to do that ?the xml's now look something like this:image xml:<description>this is my friend <person dob="19750514">Michael West</person> sittingon his porch</description>person xml:<person><dob>19750514</dob><name>Michael West</name><phonenumber>1234567</phonenumber></person>but i have no idea how to link or acutally point to the information in theperson xml from the image xml. the solution do not have to build on theabove code, i'm open to all suggestions.i would really appreciate if someone could give me some help !sincerely william jacobsson/[email protected]