help with getting tables to wrap around <DIV> tags

Okay, to fully understand my question you should probably know the story behind it, and perhaps you can tell me a better way to do this long before we get to my actual problem. heh. <br />
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Okay, I have a business form (available to me via paper, .pdf and a pagemaker file) I need to convert this form (exactly as it is on paper) to html so that i can use php to enter data and let the user print out the form. My problem arises in getting the form formatted correclty in html. First i tried using the pagemaker option to convert the page maker file to html. the result was the correct text, but formatted horribly and none of the lines that seperated the text made the conversion. The second thing i tried was Download <!--more-->ing a program to convert the .pdf file to html. This program was more successful. It converted the text and formatting correctly, but it left out the lines. I need the lines so i created a quick mock up of the form using tables in Frontpage so they are roughly the right shape. Then i took the resulting code from the pdf conversion and pasted it into the appropriate spots in my mock up form that has the tables. <br />
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Okay, now what allowed the pdf conversion program to keep the formatting correclty are tags that look like this: <br />
<DIV style="position:absolute; left:82px; top:325px; width:200px" nowrap>yada yada yada</DIV><br />
I have never seen code like this and dont understand why WYSISYG programs dont use this and make our lives much much easier. However i digress. <br />
Because these tags make the page so static i figured that the not so static tables could wrap themselves around nicely if the <DIV> tags were placed inside. This is were my problem and question come into being. I cannot get the tables to wrap around the <DIV> tags.<br />
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I know i'm not making much sense here, so i will post the code if you need it. So my question stands: How do i get the tables to wrap around the <DIV> tags or even do you know a better way to get a form (in .pdf, .pmd) to make a perfect conversion to html?<br />
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Thank you for any and all help in advance,<br />
-Emrys<!--content-->Originally posted by emrys404 <br />
So my question stands: How do i get the tables to wrap around the <DIV> tags or even do you know a better way to get a form (in .pdf, .pmd) to make a perfect conversion to html?<br />
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Thank you for any and all help in advance,<br />
-Emrys <br />
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I'm afraid to say there is only one sure fire way and that is re-coding it in html, non conversion prgram will replicate it as it should be and it most likely won't use valid code.<br />
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But why don't you attach your code/or url and maybe we can spot something in it that would be easy to do<br />
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welcome to the forums by the way :)<!--content-->Does this thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=31550</a><!-- m -->) help?<br />
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Pagemaker was mentioned and the solution seemed to be acceptable.<br />
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