Help with FoxPro


New Member
Greetings everyone.

I'm having serious trouble with a project that involves a fox pro database and I really need a help on this.

I was primarily working just with the DBF files, wich was kinda easy, after I discovered the "power" of PHP's dbf functions.

Well, now I need data that is stored on a .FPT file and I got stucked. I've heard about ADODB, a PHP library that includes Fox Pro functionality, but I'm really resisting in giving it a try for two reasons:

1) I'm trying to keep things simple
2) I don't want start making requests to the ISP that will host the clients website

So I was thinking if there's any script out there that can, perhaps, convert a fox pro database to mySQL, wich would make my life a lot easier.

So here's (finally) my questions:

* Is there any scripts that do this?

* Can someone give me a code snip that illustrate the use of ADODB in a linux environment?

* Is there another way to solve this that I don't know about?

Please people, help me here.

Thanks in advance,