Help with an If/Then based on DB


New Member
Hi there...
In my website I have a nav bar whereby each link creates a table based on a query (thanks to you guys who helped me with the coding on that).

Now what i need to do is create a title for that page based on the query. For instance, one link pulls all the articles that have "educ" in the subject field. These are all articles on Education. Now I need to create a title for that page as well that will print "Education" at the top of the page above the table.

Here is where I am confused. THe subject field has "educ" not Education, so it needs to see that i'm looking for educ articles and THEN print Education. Also, there are 15 other links and queries that need to do the same thing.

How do I say:
If the results are based on subject=educ, then print Education?

is this too confusing???

I am online as I post this and my ICQ number is 175184 if you want to ask me questions about my questions.

Of course this is urgent and I needed it yesterday!

Thanks for your help!

I'm still trying to also figure out how to change the date format in a table created from a mySQL db from yyyy-mm-dd to mm-dd-yyyy. I was given some code, but I don't know whato do with it!!!

OY VEY!! I'm frustrated!!!
