Help with Alexa Ranking


New Member
I am looking to improve the Alexa ranking on this site:

I have added the Alexa ranking widget.
I use the Alexa toolbar.

Can anyone give me some addtional pointers.
Thanks. Get lots of other people to install the Alexa toolbar and then visit your site...?

Ok, that may not be a particularly useful solution, but most people would take the Alexa rankings with a huge pinch of salt, simply because they are easily manipulated and will obviously have a bias towards sites that are related to web issues, coding, SEO etc. Hard work, good content and constant promotion have produced a good organic Alexa rank for me without trying to push it, just like those methods work for ranking well organically in Google. Don't even worry about your Alexa ranking because it's a completely biased system based only off hits to your site via Alexa Toolbar users. As mentioned above, you can have your users install the toolbar which will improve your site rankings but in doing so, you will not be able to retrieve accurate results on bounce% or search%; not to mention everything else will be biased as well.

The only reason I could see anyone wanting to improve their Alexa rating is if you're considering selling your site and Alexa ranking is considered in your sites value. Alexa PR can be easily manipulated. Just install Alexa Toolbar and navigate on your own site (stay at much time possible). In 2-3 weeks you'll see a jump in Alexa PR.

But this thing don't add value to your site... usually if you have betetr pageviews per visitor you can have a better alexa ranking even with decent traffic. Alexa is a measure of traffic to your site many from those who also have Alexa bar installed on their browsers. Thank you for all your inputs! I need the Alexa rank because my competition uses it. Thanks again. Hi, pfmweb

I would like to say if it is really meaningful for you if you increase your alexa rank in this above way.
We need real world or money traffic for our sites but not just a less number on alexa toolbar. Working hard in building enough quality backlinks, you would get want you really want. IMO.

Have a nice day, Quote: Originally Posted by pfmweb

While it's nice to have a site in the top 100,000 (or approaching it), it's not really all that honest if the only means at your disposal are to cheat in the process. I can only hope your not considering altering your stats by installing the Alexa toolbar because it is dishonest.

No offense meant so please don't take this as disrespectful. Alexa's ranking? Well if people install and use the Alexa toolbar then that's the only way you can get traffic rank from Alexa. That's why I don't pay much attention to Alexa... It can be manipulated!

But if you're really desperate about it, or if your client insists on it, here are some tips I've learned:

* Contact your friends and relatives from outside the country (preferably in the US), make them install the Alexa toolbar and set their homepage to your website. That way, everytime they use the internet, they get to visit your site first.

* Second. Visit several computers shops near your area, install Alexa toolbar to each computer, either by making an agreement with the owner or doing it without their knowledge. Then set each computers' homepage to your website! Kinda tricky, but if you're that desperate you'd probably do this.

* Third. Do social networking. Twitter and Facebook do help! So start posting those links but avoid spamming or you'll get busted by the admin.

For other trick, i guess you can research some more about it. Good luck with it though! Just be sure to optimize your home page for SEO purposes, ease of use, and interaction. Creating a positive user experience will get visitors to return again and again.
Alexa ranking also having importance in seo. Here I found good tips to improve alexa rank.
thanks Don't waste time on such stupid things like Alexa/PR only thing that counts is Rankings => traffic

Regards Alexa rank depend on your traffic,so if u got gr8 traffic 4 sure it l help you increase alexa rank,but my oppinion 4 you is that just place quality conntents, and 4 get about Alexa and PR stuff, Why do you care about Alexa it really has no bearing on anything unless you are trying to sell advertising. yah... dont worry about alexa...alexa dont give accurate information...
Don't bother with alexa or PR

Rankings and traffic are the most important things and the only things that count ... To be honest, I don't think worrying or even trying to rank high on alexa is still worth the time.. or maybe that's just me..