Help with advanced frames.


I thought the advanced frames tutorial was sort of hard to understand so I hope someone can help me. I want to use frames to make my webpage look sort of like the pic attached but I don't know how to cut the page up horizontally before I cut it up vertically.<br />
<br />
I was also just messing around trying to see if I could fit anything into any frames that I could make and it seems that when I try to insert a webpage into a frame I made it doesn't show up. I bet some of you may laugh but this is what I typed in to try and get my page to end up how I wanted it and the whole thing was just black (my background color):<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<TITLE>Main Page</TITLE<br />
<BODY BGCOLOR="0000" TEXT="6495ED" LINK="00FF00" VLINK="FF00FF"><br />
<br />
<FRAMESET><br />
<FRAMESET ROWS="25%,75%"><br />
<FRAMESET SRC="start.html"><br />
<FRAMESET COLS="25%,75%"><br />
</frameset><br />
</html><br />
<br />
Of course I know how little this is, but I was just seeing if I could make the page "start.html" fit into a frame and I didn't intend to make this any sort of final product.<!--content-->