help!!! with a calendar


hi, i need a calendar where u have 2 spaces to put the begin dat and the end date, that u click submit or something like that, and to show those dates, and when i see the dates they can show if there is any event those days, can somebody help, if any bosy know how please, put the code here or attach a file that contains the code,,<br />
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thanks!!!!<!--content-->your best bet without ssl is javascript, id try posting there<!--content-->wanting to create a calendar where you can scroll through each month and check the availability, where if its unavailable it will be shadowed out? is this html or server side language?<!--content-->both<br />
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try checking travel sites booking forms, they have good calenders on there for selecting dates of travel<br />
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you then need a server side code in your form action code that takes the date a user selects and logs it then stores it, when another user comes to it the stored dates are read and then blanked out, but this wont be 100% efficient<br />
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what about users who dont have JS enabled, or disabled it they may be able to select anyday they wish<br />
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i have a php calender <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> that you should be able to modify, making the calender popup in a new window, and the dates links to insert the date into a read only field in the form<!--content-->There is a very nice one at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> but his site will be unavailable until tomorrow.<!--content-->umm i think it needs updating,<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> is his doctype ;)<br />
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hmmm thats odd, my calender script isnt new version, should be multilingual version up there<!--content-->