I create the webform.aspx; this page needs to connect to the Access DAtabase, BS.mdb, in my C:\BSBS.mdb,. What I am doing this project is: <BR><BR>First of all, I create the data-access component from the DATA menu then drag the oleDbDataAdapter1. After that I selected all the fields that I want. <BR><BR>2. Creating a DATASET, to generate the dataset, I dragged the DATASET from the DATA menu. Then I connect it, DataSource="<%# dstest %>" , to the DataGrid in my webform.apx.<BR> IT WORKS FINE and showing all the records in my local machine.<BR><BR>Now, I copy my webform.aspx pages to another machine. And Copied the BS.mdb to the C:\BSBS.mdb like what I did in my local machine. <BR><BR>The PROBLEM I am having now is, when I tried to run that webform.aspx in that machine. It keeps saying that C:\BSBS.mdb is not a valid path. Why???? <BR><BR>Trying to run that webform.aspx in another machine, it gave me a Runtime Error:<BR><BR>