New Member
<BR><BR>In the old ASP world I used vbs scripts to test pieces of my dll's. thos same vbs files that I used were like this:<BR><BR>Dim oOpportunity<BR> <BR>'For the Report Functionality<BR><BR>'MsgBox "Test Delete Report Functionality"<BR><BR>' Set oOpportunity = CreateObject("OpportunityBO.Report")<BR>' MsgBox "Results from Report Class Delete(): " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & '<BR>' oOpportunity.Delete(3927, 1 ,24),, "Delete()"<BR><BR><BR>Is there a way to do this under .NET and or is there a tester component. It would be hard to believe that I have to create an entire application just to test my components.<BR><BR>Thanks in advance any and all replies welcome.<BR><BR>Drew Pecuniaif you using, you need to create a new project (preferably a windows app) and test it from there... if you not using vs, then write yourself an page to test it.Thank You I was hoping that that would not be the case since I just wanted to pass the parameters and get data to an output screen.<BR><BR>Drew