Help required with RSS News Feeds


Staff member

I have managed to integrate an ASP script which retrieves RSS news feeds from the BBC News web site with a Dynamic Drive horizontal scroller. As a result, a link and title of each news item is displayed within the scroller and when the user clicks on each link they are automatically redirected to the appropriate news article at the BBC News web site. The question that I would like to ask: Is there anyway of retrieving the whole news article and any associated images, so when the user clicks on the link they will be able to read the news item on a page on my site?

Listed below is the ASP script which retrieves the Title, Link and Description items:

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>

Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xmlDOM.async = False

xmlDOM.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True

'Get all of the <item> tags in the feed
Set itemList = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("item")

Dim RSSItemsCount
RSSItemsCount = itemList.Length-1

Dim MaxNumberOfItems, i, RSSItem

MaxNumberOfItems = 10

i = -1

'Iterate over each item
For Each item In itemList

'Parse the item children
For each child in item.childNodes
Select case lcase(child.nodeName)
case "title"
title = child.text
case "link"
link = child.text
case "description"
description = child.text
End Select

i = i + 1

if i < MaxNumberOfItems then
strHTML = strHTML & "<a href='" & Server.HTMLEncode(link) & "'>"
strHTML = strHTML & Server.HTMLEncode(title)
strHTML = strHTML & "</a>"
strHTML = strHTML & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
End if

Set xmlDOM = Nothing
Set itemList = Nothing