HELP! Positioning of pull-down menu


New Member
Please help. I am designing a website that has pull-down menus, and for some reason the positioning of the heirarrays is different upon the screen resolution.

Here's the problem. I have a 788 pixel-wide table centered in an HTML file, so when you view it in a 1024 screen resolution, it has background on both the left and the right sides.

I know the positioning of the heirarrays is an absolute value derived from the top and the left margins of the screen. The positioning works fine when the screen is in 800/600 resolution,(the pull-down menus are lined up PERFECTLY underneath their respective image button). However, when the page is enlarged in a higher resolution, and the 788 pixel-wide table is centered in a 1024 resolution, the pull-down isn't centered anymore underneath its respective button.

What can I do to make the positioning of the heirrarrays dependent on the actual table in the middle of the page?

Here is the code for the heirarrays:

arMenu1 = new Array(
"Mass Transit","",0,
"HQ Denver","",0

arMenu2 = new Array(
"Join Us","",0,
"Contact Us","",0

Also, I don't want to align my 788 pixel table to the left of the screen, as a big design feature of the site is to have two equal background "columns" when viewed in 1024 resolution. I need to find a way to make the aligning of the heirarrays depend upon the table they are in, so that they will follow the table's placement and not the margins of the whole page.

Anyone care enough to help me out?
