Help PLz, My Head Is About To Explode


Hi,<br />
I have been stressing over this for an hour. I had some banners and they all looked fine. As soon as I add the html from my ad script which is just a link and an image it messes everything up. Please look at the banners on this page; <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . Notice how there is a black space and the table flies apart, if you know what is causing this problem please help me out. I have went through the source many times, tired different things and still this happens.<br />
Thank You,<br />
Paul<!--content-->You are getting white space, even though it looks black. In your <td> tags you have white space, spaces and returns of carriage. You need to close the <td> tag on the same line you opened it. Somthing like this:<br />
<br />
<td><a href="blah"><img src="blah"></a>some other blah then</td><br />
<br />
Rather than:<br />
<br />
<td><br />
<a href="blah"><br />
<img src="blah"><br />
</a><br />
some other blah then<br />
</td><br />
<br />
Change this and it will work.<!--content-->Paul, I am soooo ashamed, you of all people should have known that :P just kidding but yeah entimp is correct.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
Paul, I am soooo ashamed, you of all people should have known that :P just kidding but yeah entimp is correct. <br />
You can't be as ashamed as I am right now :). It was late at night and I missed that, I know that's not an excuse but it's a try. Thanks for the help.<br />