My sever puts the following code at the top of every one of my pages above the top html tag and it brings up a popup window on every page that pops over your window after like 5 seconds and the host said the popups are not forced so if you can figure out how to remove them then you can. Could someone post a counter code that I could put on every one of my pages to disable this popup and also tell me where to put it on my pages. Thankz.
<script language="JavaScript">win155 ='','cons723'); win155.blur();self.focus();var url = "http://" +;var file = "/locmntl/hotfreebies.html";if (win155.document.URL.indexOf(url) == -1) { win155.location.href = url + file; }</script>
Any help is welcomed thankz.
<script language="JavaScript">win155 ='','cons723'); win155.blur();self.focus();var url = "http://" +;var file = "/locmntl/hotfreebies.html";if (win155.document.URL.indexOf(url) == -1) { win155.location.href = url + file; }</script>
Any help is welcomed thankz.