Help please: XForms and XPath


New Member
Hi! I'm new in this forum (and to xml technologies) and now I have a little problem..
I've made a search in this forum but I couldn't find anything; moreover I've been searching all the web for an explanation with the same result...

The problem:
I want to use some XPath functions in my XForms form to perform some calculations on dates. I know I've to add the xpath function namespace and I declared it:


and then in the model node I assign to the function attribute the qname of the functions I want to use in this way:

<f:model functions="fn:year-from-date">

I'm using the latest version of formsPlayer as compatible browser and I get this error:

Could not load library ""

The namespace address should be correct...
Did I forget anything? Why do I get that error?

I hope you have understood my problem in spite of my english...
Thanks in advance. :)