Help Please With The Website Forums



Can someone help with making my website? I have purchased a website and I want to make a forum with HTML and I am having trouble can anyone help?????????:confused: :confused:

EDIT: Anyone can help!!

thanks:)In order to get a forum to work, you'll need access to a server-side scripting language, such as PHP or ASP, as well as a database (commonly MySQL on smaller sites). If your server has those, then you can do a search for "free forum software" (or similar phrasing) and turn up a bunch that can be plugged into your site fairly easily.

RysIf you're having problems with a website you've created, a link to that page might be helpful. We can't help fix what we cannot see.

PegThanks for you answers!

I guess i was a little unclear. I need help making a forum like this forum (HTMLFORUMS.COM). I want to make a forum website. I'm a beginner at HTML and I can't find books to help me on using codes to build a forum:(

Could you guys (girls) help out on this?

:help: :bluescrn:

P.S. I don't know about PHP CSS XHTML or things like that.
I'm a new member to only HTML so far.You can't use HTMl for that. I'll move this thread over to the PHP Programming forum and someone there might be able to help you.

This forum, btw, isn't "made" per se. It's a premade programme and that might be the best way for you to start out.

Also, and don't quote me on this, but if you're using a free website, you may not be able to put a forum on it. You need to have access to the server programming and most free hosts don't allow you to have that kind of access.


I see that you cant "make" it, and this forum was a premade programme but I am using the host HOSTSPHERE.COM and I cant find any forum help on the website.

:help:Okay, I'm not sure how this works. One of the gurus in here will know for sure, but from the looks of it, you can have a forum on your site. The problem will be the database for it. You'll have to find a premade script that works with Access - I think. Don't quote me on it.

PegDo this,

In a place where we can see (on your host) create a file called: phpinfo.php and in that file put this:

Then please give us to a link to that file. Then we can tell you what you can/cannot do.

Thanks.Your host is m$ windows...hense you'll need to use asp(php does run on it, but I wouldn't recommend using it on windows) -- this thread should be moved to ASP and ASP.NET programming.Wow?

I told you guys I am new at HTML only and I dont know about all this other things. I need the basics. I dont even know what you guys (girls) are talking about

:help:Okay, you and I know about the same then. Sort of. ;)

What you're going to need to learn is a programming language, probably

For now, though, I don't think you'll be able to put a forum up on your website. You don't quite know enough about the Web.

HTML is used to create the page, but it's not what makes a forum 'run'. You'll need to know a lot more before you can try running one of those.

PegOr you can download the CommunityForums that are on the website. If you want to customize it then you can ask around or if you need some questions answered I can help with .net.

Programming my site in .net now.Thanks You Guys(Girls),

I'll try working on it to see if I can do this!:mad:

Can someone help find like a forum maker? to put on a website?

I don't know what to do i need a forum

or snitz forms is what your looking for you mostlikely need to know what database you can use on your server. SQL or Access.