Help Please Part II


Staff member
Okay thanks to Ian I fixed the centering problem within Netscape with my page. The last thing I think is the problem is with the table on the right. In IE you see three images <br />
Canadian Baseball Championships<br />
Apple Blossom Parade<br />
Weather<br />
<br />
<br />
but in netscape you only see the weather any clues on what I did wrong with that table for netscape not to show the top 2 parts? <br />
<br />
Thanks<br />
<br /><!--content-->Check your html over. you have unclosed tags in several places.<br />
Existing:<br />
<br />
<IMG height=70 alt="Canadian Senior Baseball Championship" src="ballogo.gif" <align=right border=0></A><br />
<br />
Should read:<br />
<IMG height=70 alt="Canadian Senior Baseball Championship" src="ballogo.gif"><align=right border=0></A><br />
<br />
this is just one of them, so go right through your code.<!--content-->Too many syntax error in your code. For example,<br />
there is no tag <align=right border=0> in HTML<br />
<br />
Also you may use <br />
<td class=hot align=center><br />
instead<br />
<TD class=hot><DIV align=center><br />
<br />
<br />
Check your HTML code more carefuly. I advice the CSE HTML Validator (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) for it.<!--content-->