Help PLEASE javascript


Staff member
Ok, a bit confusing but heres my question, if anyone can help, or has an idea... you can send it tme at or, ill try to see this thread at times inbetween my coding O_o

Problem: :mad:
my problem is, i am creating a game, based in html and javascript, im currently using a js library.
when i reload a page, the .js library gets reset, (the varables all go back to the way they were at the start of the game), and so, the attributes are increasing, but after a user looks at a separate page (in the game frame), then returns to view their stats again, their stats are back to level 1.

Currently: :o
it contains 6 different html pages, that all use this library as the source.

the user can select the page he wants to view,
ex. attributes.html (shows the players current attributes)
magics.html (shows the magic abilities)

I Need: :rolleyes:
now, all the pages need to be able to modify the same information, and each of the pages need to be able to reload and let the library still retain that same information.
is there a way to do this without using cookies, (too many variable, the cookies would build up too fast) such as a database? or something else i havent encountered...?