help on migrating frm php4 - php5

Hi all,

Firstly how do i confirm which php is installed on my server? i just joined this company recently and thats when i started using php, and its excellent!!
so how can i check which version of php is installed?

Secondly, i need an easy step-by-step guide (for a php newbie) on how to migrate from php 4 to php 5. The main reason i want to migrate is coz of the simpleXML extension, which i suppose is not in the previous versions, ya? is there any other easy alternative to simpleXML? (that is if we dont end up migrating to php5 soon).

ur help will be of great help.

thanxRun phpinfo to get the current version. Or /path/to/php -v at the command line. The best "upgrade" solution is to blow out your old installation and install fresh with PHP5.