Hi,<BR><BR>I have something like this in my VB file.<BR><BR>Response.Write("<table id=""Table2"" styl=""Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 10px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 59px"" Height=""332px"" Width=""141px"">")<BR> While objReader.Read()<BR> Response.Write("<TR style=""FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 3pt; width=100; VISIBILITY: visible; "">")<BR> Response.Write("<TD Font-Size=""20"" Width=""25"">")<BR> Response.Write("<a href=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/""http://dotnetTest/default.aspx""> <img src=""c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/dotnetTest/" & objReader("MenuItem") & """></a>")<BR> Response.Write("</TD>")<BR> Response.Write("</TR>")<BR> End While<BR> Response.Write("</table>")<BR><BR>But I feel that adding HTML in VB file a bit odd. So Can anyone help me out with this i.e., I wanted this html in the .aspx file and is there any way that I can align in similar way in VB file without using HTML in VB file?<BR><BR>Kindly help me out.Hope its clear.<BR>Thanks,<BR>Philip<BR><BR>