Help newbie with simple question


Staff member

Im new to javascripting and HTML. I know the basics and i have a programming background.

I have a simple request:

In an HTML page, i want to add a simple link, or button, which when clicked, goes to a specified directory (relative/local directory) and reads a file (more HTML code) and displays this on the page too.

Basically, i am developing pages for computer products. The basic information will be displayed. Then, if the user wants more information such as detailed product information, or specs, then user will click on 'Spec' which will expand in the same page and pull out the information from a local HTML file.

If i can do this in a little embedded window, which can be scrolled, this would even be better. I would rather not have popups, it has to be within the same window.

Not sure if Javascript or DHTML or anything else would be better - but any help appreciated greatly.

Many thanks