Help needed: how can I substitute xml data islands?


Staff member

I am looking a valid solution to substitute xml data islands in HTML pages. As you know, xml data island is the mechanism used to call xml parser in HTML pages and load XML files. This valid mechanism is very useful but not portable. It works very well with IE, but it doesn't works with Mozilla (for example). I am looking for a portable solution, so I cannot use xml data islands as a final solution.
Could someone give me another valid solution?
Please remember I must load data from several XML files, so I cannot use the solution of XSL Style Sheet files, because I cannot match files 1 to 1. With xml data islands I can use JavaScript and ad hoc function to load data in sections of HTML pages.
I studied XML language in "XML by examples" but this book has been printed in 2000. So I think something could be changed and a different solution could be used instead of xml data islands.

Many thanks in advance.

Piergiorgio Buongiovanni
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