Help Needed badly with JavaScript.


Hi, I have managed somehow to make a Tree menu system using Java Script.. Don't ask me how, because I don't know. I have one problem though, and it is actually a major one, to me anyway. I have created the script to open and close no problem, however I cannot get the Open folder icon to show up. When the script is first run, the Closed Icon is displayed on all the Headings, but as soon as I click on them open, a little X shows up and when I close the heading, it just goes to a transparent box. I am clueless to this and I am not sure if anyone is understanding this. <br />
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PLEASE!!! I NEED SOME HELP. If you have ICQ, contact me ASAP.<br />
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My ICQ # is 2589420. I am in dire need of assistance, I will send whomever responds, a section of my script to help me out.. <br />
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Thanks in advance.<br />
Brian Weight<!--content-->Hi Brian, welcome to HTMLForums. Please post this topic in the Client Side Scripting forum and include your script and if possible the url to your example. Then we may be able to help you with your problem.<br />
Good luck.<!--content-->