Help!! Need Help!


hi i have a website:<br /><br />
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its a site for my music trading - to list the shows that i have...the thing is:<br />
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i want a list of links on top of the page in which i will list the names of the band, and when the person clicks the band, it will take them to see their collection of shows. you know what i mean?<br />
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the person clicks the link "elliott smith" and it takes them to see the elliott smith shows that i have on my website. so they dont have to scroll all the way down to see each band's show...<br />
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is there any way to do this? thanks if you can help me<!--content-->If you put a named anchor next to each name, for example:<br />
<a name="elliott_smith"></a><br />
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you can then hyperlink to it using:<br />
<a href="#elliott_smith">elliott smith</a><br />
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Adam<!--content-->I dont have access to the bottom code of the page, cos i didnt write that's like a website where you enter show info, and they do the rest for you -- so i didnt write the html code for anything but the part of the website where it speaks of my rules... <br />
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any way to do it still?<br />
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even tho i cant change the html code below the "my music list"??<!--content-->I suppose you could experiment with the Javascript method window.scrollTo(), but that would depend on the page always being the same length, which will probably not always be the case. You would use something like this:<br />
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<a href="#" onclick="window.scrollTo(0, 500)">Go to the point 500px down the page</a><br />
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Adam<!--content-->thatd be great but how do i know what point elliott smith is at?<br />
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thanks<!--content-->is there a way that i can maybe -- <br />
just have a piece of code that searches for the words "Elliott Smith" and then it'll go and find it?<br />
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like the find command on web browsers, only in html code<br />
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thanks<!--content-->You can probably search the code and find the name, but I can't think of any way to find the screen position of the name. I'm afraid I don't think you can do this without editing the code you don't have access to - perhaps you could contact the webmaster and ask for named anchors to be added to it.<br />
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