Help my website... Rollover images, programming?


Hey guys, this is my first post but I have seen a website that I love the idea of.<br />
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Firstly, this is a website I am designing with Dreamweaver and OS X. Please ignore the fact it is on angelfire, the ads and the like. That's free web hosting for ya!<br />
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As you can see, I have used rollover/hover buttons, which I like the look of so far. Ultimately my goal is to get the page to look somewhatthe ottmar liebert website, which is here:<br />
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As you can see, down the bottom of the links seection in the page, there is anotherpreloaded image that fires up for each one - and I'd love for this to happen with mine but can't for the lfe of me get it to do so. I actually thought it woud be even cooler to have plain text load up in the designated area giving information on each link.<br />
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Is there a code, tag or jibberish sentence I can write so that, when I hover over each separate link, the table field for the thingy underneath loads different information???? Is this possible? I'd love any critisism of the website, ideas, pointers or whatever.<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->Here's a link that might help you, and the best part is that it does not use JavaScript, so it won't break when users do not have JavaScript enabled. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Also, I'd recommend changing your background color. The bright green is rather hard on the eyes. Also, you might find it much easier not to use JavaScript for the rollovers either. This too, can be done purely with CSS -- the link above utilizes that, as well...<!--content-->Thanks pyro. The green, I agree, is a bit much. But that's what they wanted!<br />
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That Css may be a bit out of my league , it seems. We will see.<br />
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Thanks again<!--content-->You are welcome... If you need any more help, just let us know... :)<!--content-->