help moi


I'm currently making a web site with frames. when i click on a link on the left frame to open another section of the site up, it opens it in the left frame instead of in the main right side. Can anyone tell me how i get the links to open in the main part?<!--content-->Put this in the frame code target="put the name of the right frame here" the right frame tag should have a name="" attribute in it<!--content-->Your index should contain the frame coding like<br />
<br />
<frame width=50% yada yada yada NAME="leftframe"><br />
althought I do not remember very well how to write tables very well there should be a part that contains "leftframe.html" and "rightframe.html"<br />
<frame width=50% yada yada yada NAME="rightframe"><br />
<br />
and when you write the links they should look like this<br />
<br />
<br />
This should open the link in the right frame in your case the main frame... just rename them to the way you want them.<br />
<br />
Hope this helps!<br />
-Ryan Russell<!--content-->Ryan,<br />
<br />
2 minor problems with your post:<br />
<br />
#1: I believe that the targt names are case sensitive.<br />
<br />
#2: The target in the link should be plain old rightframe (without the .html)<!--content-->Sorry Jason,<br />
<br />
I knew somthing wouldn't be right. I have not used frames in about a year and that post was pretty late last night. I was REALLY tired :D (I bet you know what thats like)<!--content-->