help me!!!


Hi... I am not very good with this stuff - Anyway... I put a script in my web page (AOL webpage using Easy Designer) and I can't figure out how to center it in the page. It always ends up in the same exact spot everytime, and it doesn't look very nice there. If someone can tell me what I need to do to move it over or something, I'd really appreciate it!!!!<br />
THANK YOU.<!--content-->Did you try the <center> tag? If that didn't work, would you please post you code, or a link?<!--content-->i tired the center tag... didn't work :o(<br />
this is the script:<br />
<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript SRC=""></SCRIPT><!--content-->Try this:<br />
<br />
<DIV align=CENTER><br />
<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript SRC=""></SCRIPT> <br />
</DIV><!--content-->it didn't work... this is driving me nuts!!! thanks for trying though!<!--content-->Post your code, or a link<!--content-->