Help Me !!!!!!!


I have been working on a new website for days and I finally got my In line Frame place correctly in between tables, but<br />
now it has the black and white bars on the top and to the right of the frame<br />
<br />
My url is:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
<br />
If someone knows what is causing this and how I can fix it then please help.<br />
<br />
Thanks<!--content-->I think there is something wromg with the table in the Iframe page.<br />
Check the code.<br />
:rocker:<!--content-->>> I think there is something wrong with the table in the Iframe page. <<<br />
>> Check the code. <<<br />
<br />
... with this link to the results (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tline=&sp=</a><!-- m -->).<br />
<br />
There are a lot of nesting errors in the table. To be able to see what these errors are you need to clear the other errors first. Most of these are adding type="text/css" to the style tags and adding type="text/javascript" to all the script tags. Add alt="" to all of the img tags for the spacer GIFs. You will also need to ensure that all attributes are Quoted, as Netscape does ignore some unquoted attributes. Having got the error list down to a shorter list, the nesting errors and unclosed tags will be easier to see.<br />
<br />
You can ignore all of the errors like this one:<br />
Error: there is no attribute "FOO" for this element (in this HTML version),<br />
but it would be a wise idea to fix the 150 other errors on this page, and the similar errors on the other pages.<br />
<br />
Another error that a lot of sites have to correct, is to change all the unescaped ampersands in the URLs from & to &amp; otherwise the browser flags up an entity error for each one.<!--content-->work on i tsome more. I had soooo many popups go when I visited your page.<br />
<br />
and one I can' get rid of. some joke if it is. tell me teh purpose of a popup that goes off my screen......:mad:<!--content-->I appreciate all of your help. I am working on a quick<br />
webpage so that I can get hosting from a gaming site.<br />
This page layout was an old template I purchased. I went back to the original code and tested it. I have come to find that 80 percent of the errors found by you where<br />
in the original code. So I will start from scratch to make sure its clean. Thanks again for your help<!--content-->You probably don't need to start again. You can rapidly fix most of the errors simply by using "Search and Replace" in a Text Editor, however you should use the "Find Next - Replace - Find Next - Replace" method.<br />
<br />
Do not use the Replace All method as you will want to look at each entry line before confirming, or dismissing, the replace action).<br />
<br />
Find: [<img ] and Replace with: [<img alt="" ]<br />
Find: [<script] and Replace with: [<script type="text/javascript" ]<br />
Find: [<style] and Replace with: [<style type="text/css" ]<br />
Find: [class=&{ns4class};] and Replace with: [class="&{ns4class};"]<br />
<br />
Type exactly as shown, but without the [ and ] markers. Those markers are to show you where to put, or leave out, spaces from the entries, otherwise you will not find all of the entries, or you will introduce further errors.<!--content-->I hate pop ups too :mad:! I had one today, where first it turned my screen white, then reuced its self. I tried right clicking, guess what it was diabled! Neither could I right click on the title bar, or the icon on the task bar. The only way to get rif of these (and ones that go off your screen), is to press Ctrl+Alt+Del, select it and press end task :eek:.<!--content-->nah, if htey are off the screen but they are in the taskbar then all you have to do it left click on it and then hit alt-f4, if you do the task monitor way you close out all IE winodws.<!--content-->too many popups, i got like 5<!--content-->