Help me


I am trying to learn html. I am getting it a little, I am learning by looking at other pages, and it is getting a little confussing. I want to know how to put something like 10 lines down from something else. I have figured out <br> will give you one line, but do I need to do that like 10 time. I know there is something really easy that I am just not getting. Thanks for any help.<!--content-->Yer, if you were just creating a simple page, you would use the line break element (<br />) ten times to move down 10 lines. Though, this method is outdated these days, its still good to know about it.<br />
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Regards.<!--content-->If you require double line spaces you could use the <p> tag. This tells the browser wherever this tag starts and ends is a new paragraph. The <br> tag only does one single line break. The <p> tag puts at least a double line break in. Also you can use a css style sheet and tell it how the <p> tag should be displayed on the page then apply this style to the document.<br />
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<p> This is the new paragraph </p><!--content-->Thank you so much for your help.<!--content-->