help me with xhtml 1.1 validation of my new website


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Thats is my websitepage i need validated. I have it(at least the first...I'm working on it!) at HTML 4.01 Transistional valid, but im going for XHTML 1.1 I was wondering if anyone had an idea or maybe if I was lucky would do it for me. Ill add your name in at the botton and a link to your website if you want.<!--content-->Okay, I'll help you ;)<br />
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End all your tags. For example <meta name="somename" content="somecontent"> is <meta name="somename" content="somecontent" />. All tags <br />, <img />, <link /> must be closed.<br />
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All tags must be in lowercase. However, your non-predefined values don't count. So <a href="http://www.SoMePaGe.Com">text</a> is valid, but <A hReF="">text</A> is not valid.<br />
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Markup must be well formed, <b><i><u>text</b></i></u> is invalid. <b><i><u>text</u></i></b>, however is valid. <br />
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Deprecated elements should be eliminated. <font>, and target are some examples.<br />
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Tables shouldn't be used for layout- CSS is much easier, efficient, and accesible (if done right).<br />
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Well, those are some starting pointers. Once you get these taken into account, valid pages wil be that much more within your grasp ;)<br />
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Make the changes according to what I've listed, and I bet you the vast majority of those errors will be gone.<!--content-->or maybe if I was lucky would do it for me. its not hard.... :rolleyes: why would you want someone 2 do it 4 u?<!--content-->He's right, it isn't hard. It's actually easy... and you probably already know this, but i'd check <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m --> for more specific instruction...<!--content-->yea!my sites valid....thanks...sorta?!<!--content-->Yeah, it is valid. That URL was to a validator page with a document ovverride in place, so it was saying "if it was XHTML 1.1, it'd be valid. So go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m --> and you'll see it's valid ;) See? 'Twas easy :D<!--content-->