help me sumone


hi im alyssa and i have NO idea of what to do i have a pic and i want to make it into a html code doink so when ppl (or i ) out it on my site ill click it and it will erk for me and be there and AHHH plez sumone help i have a pic and everything and how do u make a pic taht moves like a bannder <br />
anyways of i have a idea of how to do this pleeeeeeeas email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: <br />
oh and ill send u the pic to to see and stuff...i dunno :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:<!--content-->to make a picture move use this code:<br />
<marquee><img src="http://picture.gif"></marquee><br />
also, try to be more clear in your questions because it is a headache trying decipher text like this:<br />
hI i aM cOoL aNd i TyPe lIKe ThIs! HWHEDHBFVMJYHVDV!<!--content-->hey Jason & Ian, how's that spellchecker vB mod coming along?<!--content-->:rofl: hahahaha!<br />
also try to make your topic more specific to your question (EX: If you have a Q about scrolling pictures, make you title "help with scrolling pictures", not "HELP ME SUM1"<!--content-->Originally posted by morrowasted <br />
to make a picture move use this code:<br />
<marquee><img src="http://picture.gif"></marquee><br />
also, try to be more clear in your questions because it is a headache trying decipher text like this:<br />
hI i aM cOoL aNd i TyPe lIKe ThIs! HWHEDHBFVMJYHVDV! <br />
how does tha tmake it move like a banner? plus <marquee> is not the answer to all question. it is a one browser tag and doesn't work in all browsers.<br />
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to make a pic move like a banner than you have to use a gif animation program.<!--content-->